Service Information

Sunday Worship.

Our 10:30 am service takes place in the church (sanctuary) and the services for the coming year, during which we have no designated minister, may be led by a minister from our circuit, an  accredited local (lay) preacher or a visiting minister. All are welcome and we invite you to stay and share a cuppa with us after the service so we can get to know you.

Want to get an idea of what our services are like? - you can find the livestream and recordings of previous services at:

(1) Cheadle Hulme Methodist Church - YouTube

Of course you can join us from home via the livestream almost every week.

Holy Communion services are held monthly in Morning Worship. All who love the Lord are invited to take communion. If you are watching a communion service on the livestream, you might like to have ready some bread and grape juice or non-alcoholic wine.

Our evening services are held monthly, usually on the fourth Sunday of the month and tend to involve fewer people so we meet in Room 2 ( the room directly ahead as you enter the church from the car park).

On months which have fifth Sundays, we combine instead with other churches from the Churches Together in Cheadle Hulme group and hold a service at one of the churches in the group on that fifth Sunday. Please check the calendar close to the date for the time and venue.

Tuesday Reflective Worship

This is a short midweek service, using a printed liturgy, with accompanying songs and prayers. It is held in room 2 ( straight ahead of you if you enter through the car park doors) from 7pm every Tuesday.