New To CHMC?

All of us at Cheadle Hulme Methodist Church would like to extend a warm welcome to you.
We are a Methodist church based in the heart of Cheadle Hulme - on Station Road, a short walk up the hill from the station itself. As a Christian church we hold to the message of Jesus Christ as given in the Bible:
- that God loves each of us and calls us to be a part of his family.
- that God in the form of Jesus came to earth as a man, and died to make amends for our wrongs
- that God the Holy Spirit raised him to life again, with a promise of Eternal Life for all who believe in him.
Our Mission Statement is:
Living with Christ * Living for Christ * Living to make Christ known
and our Vision is:
Who? A vibrant and supportive Christian community seeking to be effective followers of Jesus.
Why? Because we are passionate about sharing God’s love and acceptance with all people.
How? By being open to the Holy Spirit who helps us to live responsible lives, based on biblical truths, in today’s world.
Many of our groups are now open again following a long period of interruption due to the Covid-19 virus. Please check individual pages where possible or contact the Office for confirmation
Whatever your age or situation, we have a range of groups and activities, and plenty of opportunities to make new friends while travelling together on our Christian journey.
The church worships together at
10:30 am every Sunday morning
6:30 pm once a month on Sunday Evening - usually the fourth Sunday of the month but please check details on our home page
A small group meet for Reflective worship at 7pm on Tuesday evenings
The Sunday morning service is usually also livestreamed on our YouTube channel: Cheadle Hulme Methodist Church - YouTube
Families with Young Children
To keep your children busy and to help them learn, we have Baby Chat for younger babies, Wobblers for those well on the way to walking and Toddlers for under fives. These provide safe environments for children to play, and for parents and carers to relax with friends. Please find the relevant links on the CHMC Baby Chat, CHMC Wobblers and CHMC Toddlers facebook pages.
Fellowship Groups
We have a Homegroup programme offering the opportunity to explore the Bible and our Faith together. A homegroup provides an ideal opportunity to meet others from church in a relaxed environment while discussing issues which affect us all. In addition, a group meets on the third Thursday of the month to watch and discuss DVDs of Bible teaching from national events.
We also have a number of other fellowship groups, where you can enjoy the company of others in a variety of ways:
Our Women's Network offers seminars and presentations on a wide range of subjects during the Autumn and Spring.
Our MATCH (Men At Cheadle Hulme) group meets twice a month via Zoom.
Senior Members
We run our Cameo group for elderly members of the church and community and enquiries are welcomed.