Link to Hope Shoebox Annual Appeal

 Each October our World Neighbourhood and Action Team aim to send shoeboxes to disadvantaged families and old folk in Eastern Europe.


Items can be brought to the church office

 More details:

Annual Link to Hope Shoebox Appeal

Working in Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria & Ukraine

You are invited to contribute to Christmas boxes for either a ‘Family’ or ‘Elderly’ person. At the end of this page are ideas for essential and optional items. Please note we aim to make boxes collectively so you need only donate a single item from one of the lists or are free to donate more.  Donations of money (in an envelope please), are also welcome to help us buy last minute items to ensure all boxes contain sufficient items and to cover the £3 cost of sending each box.   

Any contributions and empty shoeboxes gratefully received. Please bring items with you to church on Sunday mornings, drop off at the weekly Tuesday Foodbank collection at CHMC church car park 11am -12noon or email if unable to bring items to us .

Please note that we have a cut off date of mid Oct to allow us to complete the process (though items donated after this date will be kept for next year's boxes).

To read more about the organisation:

The shoe box appeal: Shoebox Appeal 2024 - Link To Hope

Whilst we are not expecting individuals to pack a box, if you wish to pack a whole box we would be delighted to receive it: gives advice on how to pack a shoe box.

Essentials (to be included in every box):

Gloves or Scarf and Hat (new or knitted)           

Sweets or Chocolates ( best before June 2022 EU origin)

Soap and flannel                                               

Toothbrush and Toothpaste (please note we probably already have enough of these for this year)

Candles and Holders for stability                       

Small Games (travel size - draughts dominoes/playing cards)

Additional (at least five items from either the Family or Elderly list):

Family  List                                                               

Colouring pad ( A5-ish)                                      

Crayons/pencils/sharpeners/rubbers    (again we have a good supply of these for this year's boxes)

Small toys (eg yoyo,skipping rope, toy car)                            

Soft toy/teddy (with CE label)                                    

Tape measure/DIY Tool                                      

Head Scarf (lightweight)                                      

Shampoo (max 300ml)                                        

Solar Powered Calculator                                     

Safety razors                                                          


Other gifts       

Elderly list   

Reading Glasses/magnifier   

Mug/Wooden Spoon/cutlery   

Sensory item (eg lavendar bag) 

Hot water bottle 

Work Gloves


Socks/Tights (new)

Wind up Radio/Torch 

Shampoo (max 300ml)

Scissors/Nail clippers                                  

Safety razors

Other gifts